La voix de la femme
Tuuli Lindeberg (sopran)
Eero Palviainen (archiliuto, Soome)
La voix de la femme
M.-A. Charpentier, B. de Bacilly, F. Berthod, J. Ch. de la Barre, S. le Camus, R. de Visée jt.
This concert by Tuuli Lindberg, one of the top Finnish performers of early music, and lutenist Eero Palviainen focuses on the voice of the female narrator in 17th-century French music. The perspective of the early airs de cour songs was almost exclusively male until the nature of the poetry became more diverse in the latter half of the century. Symbolizing the concert program is the Portuguese nun Mariana Alcoforado (1640–1723) initially believed to be the writer of Les lettres portugaises in 1669. The texts speak of a woman’s passion, love, and disillusionment in a bold new way, lending wings to the social and spiritual emancipation of women at the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment